Warmest message from the HK College of Otorhinolaryngologists (“HKCORL”)- MAR 2020
In these challenging times, the Education Committee and its sub-Committee, and council members of the HKCORL are most concerned about your safety and protection with ENT being one of the most vulnerable professions in the COVID-19 epidemic. During this time, good communication is essential. Please feel free to review this website for the relevant up-to-date information. We shall all get through this difficult and unpleasant time together.
Pearls of experience for safe and efficient hospital practices in otorhinolaryngology—head and neck surgery in Hong Kong during the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic
(Uploaded on 16/5/2020)
Message from President and the College Council
Annex 1-ENT UK re COVID19
Annex 2-JAMA Otolaryngology–HNS
Annex 3_Letter from CHP_10 Mar
Annex 4_DH Laboratory form
Annex 5_DH Collection points
Annex 6_HA Recommended PPE ENT SOPC
World Health Organization
Centre for Health Protection to health professionals
Department of Health, HKSAR