Guidelines for Basic and Higher Surgical Training


The Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists, being a member College of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, has the duty of providing quality training for Otorhinolaryngologists in Hong Kong and to ensure standards have been reached by accreditation of training and examination.

The guidelines for training in Otorhinolaryngology and defines the training requirement for completion of Basic and Higher Surgical Training in Otorhinolaryngology. On completion of a minimum of 2 years of Basic Surgical Training approved by the College and passing the intermediate examination of the College, trainees may be accepted by the College as Ordinary Members of the Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists. On completion of at least 4 years of Higher Surgical Training in Otorhinolaryngology approved by the College and passing the Exit Examination of the College, trainees would be elected Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists and recommended to be Fellows of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. The attained qualification entitles the holder to be included in the Specialist Register of the Medical Council of Hong Kong.

The guidelines may be amended by the College from time to time depending on the current training standards required by the College. Furthermore, the Council of the College shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of such guidelines whose decision upon question of interpretation shall be final and binding.

For HST admitted before 1 July 2021, please refer to the “Training Guidelines-Revised May 2022” for further details.
For HST admitted from 1 July 2021 onwards, please refer to the “Training Guidelines-Revised January 2024” for further details.

(Revised in April 2024)
2025 February
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